Any clod can have the facts, but having opinions is an art.
- Charles McCabe

30 April, 2009

... But The Constant Stays [Result Analysis: Part 2]

And Part 2 of the Result Analysis.

I feel like pi, aka 3.141592... (Not pie...). The entire result charts around me have turned and twisted as if caught in an enormous hurricane (Maybe they were...). But I have been the only constant in the Top 5 (as far as I know, anyway; correct me if I'm wrong). And, moreover, it's just a matter of plain, simple luck. I had hardly studied (As I made very clear in Part 1 of this post), and it is, to this date, a mystery: How on earth do I manage to score high without studying much? (And earn nicknames like 'Scholly', 'Padhaku', etc.)

Let's rip it apart subject-by-subject:

1. Design and Analysis of Algorithms (DAA)
81/100. Quite an incredible jump from the 19/40 in the Unit Test to wind up as highest in the class. And, all the more, in one nightmare of a subject. We were expected to know extremely complex maneuvers in C Programming even when the basics of most of the students were not clear. The result? Most of the class (In fact, more-or-less all) opted for rote-learning the algorithms with varying degrees of success, and scored an equally varying pattern of marks...

2. Computer Graphics (CG)
82/100. Ah, my favorite. Mostly because it's the easiest on offer (And I'm usually not the one to fall for word play in the questions). I expected good marks in this one, and got them, again highest in class (In spite of the paper being 4 mks too lengthy).

3. Electronics and Telecommunication (EXTC)
80/100. Now, this is the biggest surprise on offer. This is a subject based mostly on 12th Standard Physics, and I'm here, a 12th Commerce student. After a terrible viva-voce (What are the Berkhausen Criteria, by the way?) and desparate last minute preparation (All credit to Sagarika and Viraj), comes the theory paper. It's too long, I wind up leaving an 8-mark question. (Which, ironically, is the very same question I was unable to attempt in the Unit Test). And, guess what? Highest in class.

4. Professional Skills Devpt. Course (PSDC)
71/100. Now, this is surprising on the other side of the scale... Of course, I couldn't attempt about 12 marks, and this is total theory (Questions that appeared in the exam included "Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the telephone."). But all the same, this is a little below what most would expect of me...

5. Mathematics - II
72/100. Well, it's low (especially Parna's Blitz-krieg 97 puts my effort in sharp perspective), but when I tell you I got only about 6 sums fully right will you understand how high this is... I walked into the examination hall to a friend (Neha) pointing out a silly mistake of mine I'd been overlooking for 2 whole months... And the saga continued. Whether it be totally forgetting the (upon pi) in the Fourier series formula or writing 9 + 9 = 19, silly mistakes were the bane this time around... (As usual!)

All in all, a predictable result from a series of unpredictabilities!

Do leave comments... I love 'em!


29 April, 2009

Who Do You Want To Impress? Quiz Result

You Want to Impress Strangers

You want strangers to think you're attractive. You want to be seen as gorgeous and sexy.

You want your friends and family members to think you're smart. You like been seen as insightful and wise.

You are at your most playful when you are around family and friends. You are more serious around people you don't know well.

You have no problem letting strangers see the real you. You are upfront about who you are.

You are open to becoming close to people, but it takes some time. You don't let just anyone in.


28 April, 2009

The Dark Horses Cometh... [Result Analysis: Part 1]

It's results time!!!

Yes, I've got my results for the second Sem of FY BSc (IT)... And there have been surprises all around...

Let me start with the low scorers... It's quite a sad story. There have been guys who have somehow managed to get over 8 KT's (in other words, 'Fail's) out of the maximum possible 10 in the theory subjects. Now, rules stipulate that any more than 2 theory KT's and you'll have to repeat your entire year. Among those who did manage this ungainly 'feat' were a friend called Kartik (10 KT's... I wonder how hard he must have tried to get those...), and a very, very dear friend Ankkit (yes, that's how it's spelt) with 9.

Ankkit's story is really something. He wished to go for Hotel Management, but, it seems his parents made him go for IT. He didn't get a seat in Engineering, and had to finally go for BSc (IT). Now, with such a background, he lost interest in studies. And his mind is very keen, mind you. However, he has now ended up with such a fate...

As we move up the percentages, we have some quite expected results: most of my friends fall in the 50 - 65 % bracket; Mehul (who was extremely jubiliant on seeing an "All Clear" Result), Akshata (who was given a +8 to enable a much-deserved First Class), Sagarika (Seeing her track record 50-odd % won't come as a surprise, but knowing her personally, I feel 75 is more like her...), Neha (who got almost 62% with a consistent performance, one of the very few who enjoys immunity to KT's... so far so good, anyway).

Then comes the shocker: Viraj with 69. Not too bad considering those around him, but when I tell you he got 84 in the 1st Sem, it will put things into perspective. Of course, he was faced with a very peculiar set of circumstances, so all in all, he's managed well.

And then, The Top 5:

Rank 1: Parna (80%)
She was barely anywhere in the 1st Sem analysis, but now, she's "blasted off" (in the words of a dear friend) to insane heights. It's, of course, one subject that made all the difference in the world: Maths. She bagged 97. (I didn't even get 79...)

Rank 2: Sagar (that's me) (77%)
How did I manage this much? It's a mystery. I'd hardly studied much (Believe it or not), but ended up getting highest marks in 3 subjects (Theory). Consistency really rocks... But still, people usually prefer Sehwag over Gambhir... (Including me!)

Rank 3: Poonam (74%)
Again, a totally unknown quantity blasting off to outer space... I don't even know her marks break-up yet! (If anybody does, plz leave me a comment...)

Rank 4: Krimmy (74%)
And each of the rankers is more unexpected than the other... I just feel like saying: "Where were you people in the 1st Sem?!"

Rank 5: Seema (73%)
Again, a good friend, but unexpected to score this much all the same. Her marks are quite consistent across the board.

All in all, all expectations from the Leaderboard have been turned on their heads, with the expected high-scorers falling perceptibly short, while relative unknowns capturing the stage... Just the script for a thriller!


14 April, 2009

What a dream...

Hi friends!
It's been a long time since I put my fingers to the keyboard and typed something for this blog, but now that my exams have finally finished, I'm back to fill your screen with my musings!

Today, I'm writing about a dream I had. No, not the 'I have a dream' kind of dream, but the one you get after you fall asleep (and before you wake up). It was an extremely vivid, and at the same time, weird dream, which makes me feel compelled to share it with you.

The dream began with me and my friend Viraj in Thakur College (The one which I've been attending for the last 3 years, and if things don't go according to the dream, will continue attending for the next 2). All around us was destruction: flames, debris, collapsing ceilings, the works. Both of us were fumbling around to find a way out. The reason for this mess:
The college had been hit by a terrorist strike.

Why the terrorists would target Thakur I have no idea, but such things do happen in dreams... Anyways, we realized we were not alone and about six other students were stuck in the now-dangerous building. One of them tried to take a lift down to the ground floor, but right in front of our eyes, the cables snapped. I still have no idea what happened to that guy... I hope he survived...

As for us, we tried finding relatively untouched passageways with nearly no success, and were stuck in the building for... four days. Viraj would intermittently show flashes of courage, and I'd simply follow him. How we managed to survive for those 4 days I do not know... Dreams are known to leave out those little details.

Finally a rescue mission reached us on the fourth day and we were saved. What looked like almost all the students of the college were outside the building, waiting, presumably, for the results of the rescue mission. I still vividly remember the tearful reunion that followed with my friends, including, but not limited to, Mehul, Sagarika, Rounak, Neha, and many, many more. (My parents were, it seems, told I was 'presumed dead', they were conspicuous only by their absence). No word about the guy who took the fateful lift or the other five reached us...

Could this dream mean something? Or is it just a reflection of my hyperactive imagination?



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