... But The Constant Stays [Result Analysis: Part 2]
And Part 2 of the Result Analysis.
I feel like pi, aka 3.141592... (Not pie...). The entire result charts around me have turned and twisted as if caught in an enormous hurricane (Maybe they were...). But I have been the only constant in the Top 5 (as far as I know, anyway; correct me if I'm wrong). And, moreover, it's just a matter of plain, simple luck. I had hardly studied (As I made very clear in Part 1 of this post), and it is, to this date, a mystery: How on earth do I manage to score high without studying much? (And earn nicknames like 'Scholly', 'Padhaku', etc.)
Let's rip it apart subject-by-subject:
1. Design and Analysis of Algorithms (DAA)
81/100. Quite an incredible jump from the 19/40 in the Unit Test to wind up as highest in the class. And, all the more, in one nightmare of a subject. We were expected to know extremely complex maneuvers in C Programming even when the basics of most of the students were not clear. The result? Most of the class (In fact, more-or-less all) opted for rote-learning the algorithms with varying degrees of success, and scored an equally varying pattern of marks...
2. Computer Graphics (CG)
82/100. Ah, my favorite. Mostly because it's the easiest on offer (And I'm usually not the one to fall for word play in the questions). I expected good marks in this one, and got them, again highest in class (In spite of the paper being 4 mks too lengthy).
3. Electronics and Telecommunication (EXTC)
80/100. Now, this is the biggest surprise on offer. This is a subject based mostly on 12th Standard Physics, and I'm here, a 12th Commerce student. After a terrible viva-voce (What are the Berkhausen Criteria, by the way?) and desparate last minute preparation (All credit to Sagarika and Viraj), comes the theory paper. It's too long, I wind up leaving an 8-mark question. (Which, ironically, is the very same question I was unable to attempt in the Unit Test). And, guess what? Highest in class.
4. Professional Skills Devpt. Course (PSDC)
71/100. Now, this is surprising on the other side of the scale... Of course, I couldn't attempt about 12 marks, and this is total theory (Questions that appeared in the exam included "Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the telephone."). But all the same, this is a little below what most would expect of me...
5. Mathematics - II
72/100. Well, it's low (especially Parna's Blitz-krieg 97 puts my effort in sharp perspective), but when I tell you I got only about 6 sums fully right will you understand how high this is... I walked into the examination hall to a friend (Neha) pointing out a silly mistake of mine I'd been overlooking for 2 whole months... And the saga continued. Whether it be totally forgetting the (upon pi) in the Fourier series formula or writing 9 + 9 = 19, silly mistakes were the bane this time around... (As usual!)
All in all, a predictable result from a series of unpredictabilities!
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