Any clod can have the facts, but having opinions is an art.
- Charles McCabe

14 April, 2009

What a dream...

Hi friends!
It's been a long time since I put my fingers to the keyboard and typed something for this blog, but now that my exams have finally finished, I'm back to fill your screen with my musings!

Today, I'm writing about a dream I had. No, not the 'I have a dream' kind of dream, but the one you get after you fall asleep (and before you wake up). It was an extremely vivid, and at the same time, weird dream, which makes me feel compelled to share it with you.

The dream began with me and my friend Viraj in Thakur College (The one which I've been attending for the last 3 years, and if things don't go according to the dream, will continue attending for the next 2). All around us was destruction: flames, debris, collapsing ceilings, the works. Both of us were fumbling around to find a way out. The reason for this mess:
The college had been hit by a terrorist strike.

Why the terrorists would target Thakur I have no idea, but such things do happen in dreams... Anyways, we realized we were not alone and about six other students were stuck in the now-dangerous building. One of them tried to take a lift down to the ground floor, but right in front of our eyes, the cables snapped. I still have no idea what happened to that guy... I hope he survived...

As for us, we tried finding relatively untouched passageways with nearly no success, and were stuck in the building for... four days. Viraj would intermittently show flashes of courage, and I'd simply follow him. How we managed to survive for those 4 days I do not know... Dreams are known to leave out those little details.

Finally a rescue mission reached us on the fourth day and we were saved. What looked like almost all the students of the college were outside the building, waiting, presumably, for the results of the rescue mission. I still vividly remember the tearful reunion that followed with my friends, including, but not limited to, Mehul, Sagarika, Rounak, Neha, and many, many more. (My parents were, it seems, told I was 'presumed dead', they were conspicuous only by their absence). No word about the guy who took the fateful lift or the other five reached us...

Could this dream mean something? Or is it just a reflection of my hyperactive imagination?



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